Disclaimer – Galerie de la Bourse
All contents of the Galerie de la Bourse website are an exclusive Galerie de la Bourse property. Nobody has the right to reproduce, exploit, retransmit or use for any purpose, even partially, any sound or visual elements of the Galerie de la Bourse website.
Any link or hypertext to the Galerie de la Bourse website is strictly forbidden without any Galerie de la Bourse prior written consent.
Proprietary content responsibility
The Galerie de la Bourse is in charge of any update of the content of its website.
The society is a branch of the Comptoir Français de l’Or which has its head office at 39 rue Vivienne – 75002 Paris.
Comptoir Français de l’Or/ Galerie de la Bourse is a simplified corporation with a capital of 678.500 Euros – SIREN : B 321 045 213.
You can contact us by e-mail to contact@galeriedelabourse.com or by telephone at +331 40 13 83 19.
Secure payment
The cryptographic system is indispensable for high safe transactions.
The Galerie de la Bourse website chose the SSL cryptographic system in order to guarantee the protection of sensitive personal and payment data.
The URL galeriedelabourse.com address starting with https:// guarantees that all the data will be encrypted and hence protected during the process.
Personal data protection
The Galerie de la Bourse is responsible of the collection and the exploitation of the personal data of any of its customers.
The personal data treatment is done in conformity with the law 78-17 of January 6th 1978 concerning the data treatment and, since may 25th 2018, with the European Rule concerning the personal data protection 2016/679 of April 27th 2016.
All personal data are required and collected in order to be used for the business relationship between the Galerie de la Bourse and its customers only unless otherwise directed by a written demand of the customer.
The Galerie de la Bourse just requires and use the data which are strictly needed for the business relationship with its customers.
The Galerie de la Bourse will not communicate its customers’ data without the customers’ consent, except in case of demand by another numismatics society in a references confirmation purpose.
In conformity with the law, the Galerie de la Bourse commits to secure all its customers’ personal data with all its means.
The customer commits to communicate all authorised, up to date and correct personal data for the Galerie de la Bourse to treat and use them in conformity with the law.
The customer has the right at any moment to access, modify or cancel his personal data by contacting the Galerie de la Bourse by post (Galerie de la Bourse – 46 rue Vivienne – 75002 PARIS- FRANCE) or by email (contact@galeriedelabourse.com).
The customer can also make a complaint to the French National Informatics and Liberty Commission (CNIL) by writing to :
3, place de Fontenoy
TSA 80715
75334 Paris cedex 07
The Galerie de la Bourse commits to report in writing any illegal personal data treatment and to assist in any official inquiry or investigation.
The automated processing of the personal data has been declared to the CNIL by the Galerie de la Bourse.
Data and information archiving
The Galerie de la Bourse archives the purchase orders and the invoices on a reliable and durable format which is a truth copy of the original documents, in conformity with the article 1348 of the French Civil Code.
The Galerie de la Bourse business records will be considered as an evidence of the business relationship between the Galerie de la Bourse and its customers.
External links
Any external link is suggested on an informative base, only, and the Galerie de la Bourse is no responsible of its content.