General conditions of sale

1 . General conditions of online sale

The present conditions of sale are concluded, on one side, by the Galerie de la Bourse society – capital 678.500 Euros, whose headquarter is located at 42, rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris, matriculated on the “Registre du Commerce et de Société de Paris” under number B 321 045 213 – hereunder “Galerie de la Bourse” ; on the other side, by any juridical or natural person wishing to purchase via the website, hereinafter, “the buyer”.

2. Object

The present conditions of sale set out the rules of the contractual relationship between the society Galerie de la Bourse and the buyer (who can be either a professional or a private) and the conditions which will be applied to any purchase made by the commercial Galerie de la Bourse website.

The purchase of a good via the Galerie de la Bourse website implies unconditional acceptation by the buyer of the present conditions of sale.

These conditions of sale will prevail over any other general or particular conditions not expressly approved by Galerie de la Bourse.

Galerie de la Bourse reserves the right to modify these conditions of sale at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions to the contractual relationship will be those in force in the moment the purchase order is placed.

3. Product information and availability

The offered artefacts are those which appear in the catalogue which is published in the Galerie de la Bourse website.

The offers are subject to the limit of the available stocks.

The authenticity of coins, medal, tokens, honours are unconditionally guaranteed. Even though the artefacts are carefully described, these descriptions have an indicative character only.

The customer is welcome to come to Galerie de la Bourse Parisian shop and take a close look to the artefacts he wishes to purchase, after fixing an appointment by telephone or email.

Despite the photos of the online catalogue are as faithful as possible, no perfect similitude with the offered artefacts can be assured. The photos of the online catalogue are not part of the contract.

4. Prices

The indicated prices in the online catalogue are in Euros, all taxes included. Since the artefacts are collectibles one, no VAT is applicable (article 293b of the French General Taxes Code).

Galerie de la Bourse reserves the right to modify its prices at any moment, knowing that the charged price will be the one indicated on Galerie de la Bourse website in the purchase order moment.

The indicated prices do not include the expenses with processing order, transportation and shipment.

5. Purchase orders

The buyer who wishes to buy an artefact or service must imperatively :

– fill the identification form in with all the required data or providing the customer number, if he already has one ;

– fill the online purchase order form in, with all the service references related to the chosen artefact(s);

– validate the purchase order after carefully checking it ;

– proceed to the payment in accordance with the payment conditions ;

– confirm the purchase order and payment.

The purchase order confirmation implies unconditional acceptation of the present conditions of sale, the recognition of the perfect awareness of them and the waiver to take advantage of any other conditions.

The given information and the registered confirmation are proofs of the transaction. The order confirmation implies the signature and acceptation of the operation made.

6. Withdrawal

Any private buyer benefits from a withdrawal period of 14 (fourteen) days from the day of delivery of the purchase, to return the purchase in order to change it or be refunded without any penalties. The returning expenses are the buyer’s responsibility.

7. Methods of payment.

The payment is immediately due, once the purchase order is done.

Authorised payments methods are: credit or debit card, French Euros bank cheques, Paypal, bank transfer, cash (in case of pick up at the Galerie de la Bourse parisian shop and in accordance with the law concerning the cash payments).

The credit card payment will be made via the Paybox safety system which uses the SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer) : transmitted information are encrypted and no third party can access these data during the process.

In case of payment by French Euros bank cheque, the delivery can be delayed until the check cash.

8. Shipments

Shipments are made to the address indicated in the purchase order form.

Once the purchase leaves the Galerie de la Bourse offices, all transportation risks are the buyer’s responsibility. Any possible transportation damage must be the object of a duly justified claim against the carrier.

The delays of shipment have only an indicative character. However, if they overpass the period of 30 (thirty) days from the day of the purchase order, the contract can be rescinded and the buyer totally refunded.

The transportation fees are communicated when the buyer make the purchase order.

Shipments are made via registered post as soon as the purchase order is validated.

9. Pick up at iNumis shop

The online purchase can be directly collected at the Galerie de la Bourse shop at the 42 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris, during the opening time.

10. iNumis responsibility

During the online purchase process, Galerie de la Bourse has a best effort obligation, only : Galerie de la Bourse will not be responsible of internet use damages as loss of data, intrusions, viruses, service interruptions or any other issues out of Galerie de la Bourse control.

11. Applicable law and settlement of disputes

The present conditions of online sale shall be governed by French law and all disputes shall be exclusively submitted to the Paris courts jurisdictions.